Girma Lemma
Girma Lemma Fantaye is researcher on the RISE Ethiopia team. He is an Assistant Professor at Addis Ababa University (AAU), Institute of Educational Research. He worked his first degree in Pedagogical science, obtained a MA in Educational Measurement and Evaluation, and a Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology with an emphasis on Early Childhood Care and Education in Ethiopia. He served with the research institute as Assistant Director and Director, and as the Editor and Managing Editor of the Ethiopian Journal of Education. He is the contact person for the Africa-Asia University Dialogue Network at AAU to promote research in critical issues of education and to facilitate sharing and peer learning between African and Asian Universities. Currently, he is Principal Investigator of a thematic research project titled, “Teachers Professional Development: A Strategy to Achieve EFA Goals in 2015 and Beyond.” He is also a member of a research team that works on, “Teacher’s Professional Identity: A Comparative Study of Teachers’ Views in Selected African and Asian countries.” He has approximately twenty-five published and unpublished works.