Working Paper


Nurturing Learning Culture among Teachers: Demand-Driven Teacher Professional Development and the Development of Teacher Learning Culture in Jakarta, Indonesia


Image of Sirojuddin Arif

Sirojuddin Arif

RISE Indonesia

Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), SMERU Research Institute

Image of Rezanti Putri Pramana

Rezanti Putri Pramana

RISE Indonesia

SMERU Research Institute

Image of Niken Rarasati

Niken Rarasati

RISE Indonesia

SMERU Research Institute

Image of Destina Wahyu Winarti

Destina Wahyu Winarti

RISE Indonesia

Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII); SMERU Research Institute

Despite the growing attention to the importance of learning culture among teachers in enhancing teaching quality, we lack systematic knowledge about how to build such a culture. Can demand-driven teacher professional development (TPD) enhance learning culture among teachers? To answer the question, we assess the implementation of the TPD reform in Jakarta, Indonesia. The province has a prolonged history of a top-down TPD system. The top-down system, where teachers can only participate in training based on assignment, has detached TPD activities from school ecosystems. Principals and teachers have no autonomy to initiate TPD activities based on the need to improve learning outcomes in their schools. This study observes changes in individual teachers related to TPD activities triggered by the reform. However, the magnitude of the changes varies depending on teachers’ skills, motivation, and leadership style. The study suggests that shifting a TPD system from top-down to bottom-up requires differentiated assistance catered to the school leaders’ and teachers’ capabilities.


Arif, S., Pramana, R.P., Rarasati N., Winarti, D.W. 2022. Nurturing Learning Culture among Teachers: Demand-Driven Teacher Professional Development and the Development of Teacher Learning Culture in Jakarta, Indonesia. RISE Working Paper Series. 22/117.