Syaikhu Usman
Syaikhu Usman is a senior researcher at SMERU. He holds a doctorate degree in development sociology and a master degree in rural sociology, both from Cornell University in the USA. Prior to joining SMERU, he worked as a researcher and consultant for the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Centre for Policy and Implementation Studies, and the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. He has also worked as a lecturer and researcher at Sriwijaya University, Indonesia. His research experience in education includes: A Study on Teacher Absenteeism, Early Childhood Development (ECD) Strategy Study resulting in various relevant publications. He has also conducted various research projects on poverty alleviation including the Development of Poverty Alleviation Toolkit: Promoting Poverty Mainstreaming into Practice, Monitoring and Evaluation Activities of Pendataan Program Perlindungan Sosial (PPLS) 2011 for the development of the Unified Database for Social Protection Programs, and Monitoring the Sustainable Livelihood Pilot under the Masterplan Percepatan Dan Persluasan Pengurangan Kemiskinan Indonesia (MP3KI).