Santiago Cueto
Santiago Cueto is a RISE Fellow and the Executive Director and Senior Researcher at GRADE, where he coordinates the Peru component of the international study Young Lives. He is also a member of the National Education Council in Peru and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the Catholic University in Peru. His main areas of interest are education and human development, particularly within a poverty context. In 2003, at the Global Development Network’s (GDN) Annual Conference, one of his works received the prize for best research in Education, Knowledge and Technology. In 2010, he received the National Award in Psychology by the Professional Board of Psychologists in Peru. In 2018, he received the Magisterial Palms in the degree of Amauta by the Ministry of Education of Peru. He holds a degree in Educational Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and a PhD in the same field from Indiana University.