Phuong Minh Luong
Dr Phuong Minh Luong is a researcher for the RISE Vietnam team, a lecturer in the Faculty of International Studies at Hanoi University, and a research collaborator at the Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences. Her expertise and work focuses on securing human rights, social justice, wellbeing, and full potential development for children and youth through theories of empowerment, recognition, social emotional learning, and ecosystem design thinking. Apart from leading many interdisciplinary research projects funded by international organisations and agencies in Vietnam, she has also played key roles in international projects such as RISE (2017-2022); a longitudinal study on empowering minority women in agriculture and tourism funded by the Australian Government (2019-2021); research on “Strengthening Education for Sustainable Development Policy in Viet Nam” funded by UNESCO and the Government of Japan; and research on Empowering Ethnic Minority Youth in Viet Nam to Re-Vision the Future of Decent Work (“Re-WORK”) by the British Academy (2020-2022). She is also in charge of the international academic research exchange programmes with Gothenburg University, University College Dublin, and Westminster University. Additionally, she is an Observer of SEAMEO CECCEP Governing Board Members; contributor of SEAMEO-DAAD lecture series of ASEAN region; a reviewer of European Journal of Educational Research and Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning; and Member of Selection Committee of the DAAD Scholarship Programme In-Region/In-Country (2016-2017).