Lee Crawfurd
Center for Global Development
The RISE Programme finished on 31 March 2023; however, the information contained on this website will remain accessible for the foreseeable future. Looking for something specific? You can search this site via Google, just go to Google and type in site:riseprogramme.org followed by your search terms.
1. The World Education Forum happened in May in Incheon, South Korea.
2. The learning crisis has officially become mainstream, evidenced by a recent piece in the New York Times, featuring our own Justin Sandefur. Jim Kim blogged about it during his Incheon visit. Reflecting back, Amber Gove (Research Director at RTI) reviews the learning crisis through the experience of early grade reading assessments.
3. Private school enrolments in Peru have doubled in six years.
4. In Colombia, a private investment fund is investing in people — making a reality of the idea of human capital contracts which dates back through Milton Friedman and Gary Becker all the way to Adam Smith.
5. The philosophers at the School of Life ask “What’s Education For?"
This blog first appeared on the CGD Website on 29 May 2015
RISE blog posts and podcasts reflect the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the organisation or our funders.