David Evans
Center for Global Development
3 days, 9 sessions, 42 speakers: Dave Evans gives a rundown of the RISE Annual Conference 2021.
Last week was the annual conference for the Research on Improving Systems of Education (or RISE) program, a large scale, multi-country research program developed to answer the question: “How can education systems be reformed to deliver better learning for all?”
You can read the full conference program and you can watch videos of all the sessions. But here, I’ve broken down the key findings and takeaways from each presentation.
In this session, experienced education researchers and practitioners highlighted the worst widespread education interventions.
Importantly, both the highlights from the papers and the key slides are, of course, my own choice. There is much more to each of these research projects, and if you’re interested, I encourage you to read the papers (where available) or to watch the full presentations.
The RISE conference consistently showcases a wide range of novel education research, demonstrating that sustainable improvements in education systems means much more than a single intervention in a single part of the education sector. It also demonstrates how much we have yet to learn.
Note: In these summaries, I’ve listed the presenter first and—if there are other authors—indicated that. This may not be the same order of authors on the paper.
This post initially appeared on the Center for Global Development blog on 28 September 2021.
RISE blog posts and podcasts reflect the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the organisation or our funders.